Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Cool essays

Cool essays Well in Parkers Back, when Parker goes to the tattoos artist and the tattooist told him why he wanted that certain tattoo on his back. He then went on the ask Parker if he was saved and got religion. This is kind of an exaggeration. In a tattoo place, I dont think that they would ask this before you got a tattoo. They just do the design and get the money. Parker goes on to state that he married women that were saved. This is kind distortion a little bit. What does he actually mean by this? I interpret this that she was saved by the Lord and that she was kind of an angel or something to him. In the story Parkers Back he is on a tractor and it crashes on it is upside down next to a tree and burst into flames. This area is when he begins to sit and watch himself quickly become part of the fire. I think at this time he really is looking at the fact that the Lord is there with him and is trying to help him. During this time, the concept of baptism is really not a factor. He i s just talking about the fact of the Lord and how he feels saved by him. In the end of the story, he sits there and lets his wife Sarah beat him with a broom until he is almost completely senseless. I think that this is kind of a distortion or is totally wrong. Someone just does not sit there and let someone actually hit them with a broom and not self defending themselves. It goes on to say that he was to stunned to resist her hitting him. Well I think that if she goes and goes on without him doing anything to stop her, obviously he will be in this state of mind. This story was very different and interesting to read. I felt that after I read it, I find that I disagree with him when he says that baptism is a meaningless rite. I think that when you go and get baptized, it is very sacred and that means a lot to me. This as well should mean a lot to the people that get baptized as well. They should not just feel that it is just a mea...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Causas y consecuencias de negación de ingreso a USA

Causas y consecuencias de negacià ³n de ingreso a USA Cada aà ±o millones de personas que llegan a un aeropuerto de EEUU u otro punto legal de entrada como fronteras terrestres o puertos. Ms de 200 mil se encuentran con el problema de que son devueltos al lugar del que vienen. Este es un problema que afecta tanto a los extranjeros que viajan con visa no inmigrante como a los que desean ingresar a Estados Unidos sin visado por pertenecer a un paà ­s del Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas o, incluso, con una tarjeta de residencia permanente.   Y es que los à ºnicos a los que no se le puede impedir el ingreso en los Estados Unidos es a los ciudadanos estadounidenses, quienes tienen que presentar un documento vlido que acredite esa condicià ³n y permita el paso migratorio. En este artà ­culo se informa sobre cà ³mo es el control migratorio donde pueden surgir problemas, las razones ms comunes por las que se niega el ingreso a los Estados Unidos, cules son las consecuencias y una referencia a estadà ­sticas y a sistemas que permiten acelerar el paso migratorio. El control migratorio en los puntos de ingreso a los Estados Unidos Estados Unidos tiene un total de 329 Puntos de Entrada, lo que se conoce por sus siglas en inglà ©s como POE y que son fronteras terrestres, puertos y aeropuertos con controles migratorios internacionales. El control consta de dos partes, primero, uno migratorio y, despuà ©s, otro pero de aduanas. Para el migratorio se forman dos filas, una exclusivamente para ciudadanos a los que pueden acompaà ±ar sus familiares inmediatos extranjeros, y otra para todos los dems. En algunos casos es posible formar parte de programas que aceleran este paso, de lo cual se explica ms al final del artà ­culo. Como regla general, el control migratorio se demora entre 10 y 30 segundos. Es posible que se envà ­e a una persona a lo que se conoce como doble inspeccià ³n. No tiene que ser algo malo. Por ejemplo, todas las personas con advance parole pasan por esa situacià ³n.   Sà ³lo despuà ©s de haber obtenido el OK migratorio se pasa a la inspeccià ³n aduanera. Y ya a partir de ahà ­ se ingresa a los Estados Unidos.    ¿Por quà © son devueltos por inmigracià ³n desde los aeropuertos u otros puestos fronterizos legales? Las razones son varias destacando: En el caso especà ­fico de los residentes permanentes, puede que se llegue a la conclusià ³n de que no est residiendo en los Estados Unidos y ahà ­ pueden surgir muchos problemas. En todos los dems casos, puede suceder que la  visa se ha cancelado pero su titular no lo sabe. En los casos del Programa de Exencià ³n de visas si la persona ha estado previamente en USA y se ha excedido de los 90 dà ­as permitidos, ha perdido este privilegio y si viaja sin visa no se le dejar ingresar. Pero el caso ms comà ºn es que el oficial de inmigracià ³n sospecha que la persona tiene la intencià ³n de  quedarse en Estados Unidos o a buscar trabajo ilegalmente o lo ha hecho en el pasado. No importa que se tenga una visa en regla, ese oficial es el que tiene la à ºltima palabra. Recordar que de todas las visas temporales, incluida la de turista, solo las H-1B y las L son de doble intencià ³n, es decir, sà ³lo con ellas se puede tener la intencià ³n de emigrar. El oficial de inmigracià ³n ve en la computadora del sistema TECS que el extranjero es inadmisible para los Estados Unidos o inelegible para la visa que porta por cualquier razà ³n. Un ejemplo de esto à ºltimo es un turista que viene con la intencià ³n de casarse y quedarse en el paà ­s. El oficial de inmigracià ³n tambià ©n puede ver si la persona tiene pendiente una orden de arresto. Si es asà ­, eso es lo que va a pasar. Segà ºn los à ºltimos datos conocidos en un sà ³lo aà ±o fiscal se detuvieron a 24,000 personas cuando intentaban ingresar a Estados Unidos. En casos excepcionales, el oficial de inmigracià ³n puede permitir ingresar a USA a un extranjero sin los documentos necesarios. Ello es asà ­ porque le da lo que se conoce como un parole. Por ejemplo, a las personas que de un modo creà ­ble solicitan asilo en una frontera, puerto o aeropuerto. Quà © puede pasar en un control migratorio En la inmensa mayorà ­a de los casos, no pasa absolutamente nada y se ingresa sin incidencias. Pero para las personas que tienen problemas hay que destacar dos cosas: Primero, que en el control migratorio no se tiene derecho a abogado, excepto si se ha seà ±alado que una persona es objeto de una investigacià ³n criminal. Adems, las autoridades tienen derecho a registrar sin autorizacià ³n judicial previa el equipaje de cualquier persona y tambià ©n sus aparatos electrà ³nicos, como computadoras, telà ©fonos, tabletas, cmaras digitales, etc. Y segundo, cuando a una persona extranjera no se la deja ingresar hay que saber exactamente quà © pasà ³. Porque pueden darse situaciones tan diversas como: se permite una retira de la peticià ³n de ingresar y se pone en la visa I-275ocurre una expulsià ³n inmediataun residente firma su renuncia a la green card Si ha surgido un problema, lo mejor a partir de ahà ­ es consultar con un abogado migratorio para ver quà © pasos a seguir, segà ºn sea el caso de cada uno.  ¿Quà © tan problemtico es el control migratorio en Estados Unidos? Cada aà ±o, ms de 360 millones de viajeros, entre estadounidenses y extranjeros, cruzan un puerto de entrada al paà ­s.  De ellos, un poco ms de cien millones ingresan por aeropuertos, siendo el modo ms comà ºn de ingreso el cruce de una frontera terrestre. Aproximadamente, unos 320 mil viajeros no pueden ingresar, lo cual es un nà ºmero grande pero pequeà ±o comparado con el total.    ¿Es posible evitar las largas filas? En algunos puertos de entrada o en determinadas fechas las demoras para pasar el control migratorio pueden ser muy largas, particularmente en los puentes internacionales.   Existen diferentes tipos de programas que permiten ingresos ms rpidos que aplican a unos viajeros o a otros segà ºn nacionalidades y lugar de ingreso, pero merece la pena familiarizarse con esas posibilidades de ingresos acelerados, como Global Entry, Nexus o Sentri. Consejo Evita problemas en el control de aduanas conociendo quà © se puede ingresar y quà © est sujeto a ser declarado.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Eportfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Eportfolio - Essay Example Amongst the many reasons that led to the decision was the need to run the plant more efficiently. While the management role rested wholly on the ministry of defense, the plant hardly ran at the optimal level as evidenced by the case study excerpt and this necessitated change. Efficient and strategic leadership was all that was required in order to restore and actualize the optimal performance of the naval pant. Efficiency in managing human resource, time, information and finances was a critical requirement, which led to the decision to put on board private management team by the ministry of defense. This paper therefore intends to critically analyze the performance of the plant before 2002, when the ministry of defense and the royal navy managed the plant, the strategic theories and models that were used and contrast the findings with the management structure that was introduced after 2002. A comparison of the internal features of the organizations will also be done. Analysis on thes e findings will employ the Hope Hailey’s and Balogun Change Kaleidoscope. Moreover, the paper will equally conduct Lewin’s Force field Analysis to the case study of the Fasline. An interview with Howie, who was the Fasline managing director for the period running from 2002-2006, reveals that the naval base offices are well constructed to accommodate the ships as well as the sailors. He says that it was the need to reduce operational costs and improve on the effectiveness that led to the decision to have partnerships with industrial firms in the running of the naval base and the ministry of defense of UK. The initial contract to be signed in the year 2002 dictated that the incoming team was obligated to bring about an approximate savings of about $ 114 million of the operational costs within five years while at the same time delivering the services of the naval. Strategic change context in 2002, at the start of the change process at Faslane Change is a common phenomenon in management of today’s firms. Organizations have been seen to employ permanent change policies as regards future performance in every change adopted. Changing an organizations structure and administration enhances quality and service delivery. During the freezing stage, members that are directly involved are prepared about the change and the need to have it. It is therefore a preparation stage (Rezvani, Dehkordi and Shamsollahi, 2012, 113-114). Since the change entails a wide range of rearrangement of the organization structure, proper preparation is essential. In analyzing the Faslane 2002 change, we look at the critical reasons that necessitated the change among which the general management formed basic. A sound system that would ensure profitability by way of saving costs was necessary. Moreover, the naval base required proper management of the over 7500 people around the naval base. However, resistance to change as is a common feature in all organizational change proce dures was evident. The customers were first hesitant in embracing the adoption of private firms to manage the base, as the structure that they were familiar with was the royal navy and the ministry of defense structure of management. Howie says that the civilians had adopted the supervisory role against the navy personnel who were busy looking after the ships and the submarines.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Nestle Infant Formula Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nestle Infant Formula - Article Example The mothers who were from an economically weaker section diluted the free milk samples provided in order to avoid buying the powder. In addition these people also used unsterile water to mix the milk. While these were the problems with the free samples sold, the advertisements shown by the company showed white women feeding the formula feed to their infants. This gave an impression that modern mothers only bottle-feed their babies and when the free samples were given to mothers immediately after the delivery they were more inclined to bottle-feed their infants. All these lead to reduced breast-feeding, malnutrition in the infants and also increased the mortality rate. I believe that the marketing technique followed by the company was in no way illegal and that a moral code of ethics was followed in the business of marketing their infant milk formula. In the present case I argue that the company was in no way morally inclined to change its marketing strategy. As a producer of infant foods the advertisements and sale of free sachets of milk powder was well within the ethical standards. Instead of blaming the company it would have been appropriate if more awareness was created on the importance of breast-feeding and the circumstances under which formula milk could be introduced to the infant. Such awareness is definitely required in developing countries such as Africa. Merely targeting the company would not solve the issue as it would not be of much help in preventing mothers from feeding formula milk to their infants as a substitute for breast milk. Having a frank and open-minded discussion would always help to arrive at an early conclusion. In the case of the Nestle Infant Milk Formula case my decision would comply with the marketing strategies adopted by the company as it is lawful and has followed a moral code of ethics. An open discussion about the possible methods

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Five key different functional activities Essay Example for Free

Five key different functional activities Essay Set out the main points of the contribution of five key different functional activities carried out in a selected business organisation towards its strategic aims and objectives. Human Resources Human Resources will be in charge of employing all new staff that the business need. However in order for this to work, Human Resources need to know what kind of staff they need how many. HR will also go through all the applications of the applicants; this will happen so they can narrow the amount of people to be interviewed down. They will narrow it down by seeing if the person can offer what the company requires. For Tescos this will be good communication skills, working with others and working alone, this is because Tesco want to know if the employee will be able to offer customer service at the standard of Tesco. If the employees do this then they will be able to achieve their aims and objectives of the business as they are to treat all customers how they wanted to be treated and to try harder for customers then anyone else. Marketing Marketing makes the audience aware that there is a specific product out there. However in order to market the product, the department have to know how much it is going to cost, how much it will roughly cost them, what size, colour and design will take form before marketing the product itself. Marketing will be via Radio, Television, Newspapers, Flyers, and Billboards etc. as these are the main forms of marketing a product. Tesco will Market via television and radio. They will put the adverts on television during times when many audiences would be watching, e.g. during the breaks of a Saturday night show. Tesco would put adverts on radio during rush hour time on the most listened to radio station to get more audiences. However the unique thing about the Tesco adverts is that they will give offers on products. By Tesco showing their products to the public via marketing by means of TV, radio etc. it will encourage people to come to Tescos to buy their products; this will consequently lead to more sales and more customer service this means Tesco have used marketing to get to their overall aims and objectives, which is to try harder for customer. Customer Service For a business to get more customers they will need customer service at the highest quality; this means providing a quick and an effective service. Also customer service will include things such as having in depth knowledge about products and being able to sell them describing the product(s) and its features well enough will help to get the customer interested. If you have sold the product to a certain customer and they come back saying it doesnt work then you will have to give a customer service at the highest quality and give them a replacement while you fix theirs; this could mean resolving complaints quicker and effectively. For Tesco they would provide a quick, reliable and effective service to the customers as their mission statement is to provide a life long loyalty to their customers. If a customer brought a product from Tesco e.g. a DVD player and it didnt work then Tesco will exchange / replace the customers product until theirs is fixed, or give them discount on another product that is similar. Tesco also have a 48 hour customer complaint line where by Tesco get back to the customer(s) within 48 hours of receiving the complaint. If they do this they are achieving their aims and objectives because their aims are to try harder for customers and treat every customer how they want to be treated. Finance The finance department has to spend its money wisely; and spend at the right time for the business, e.g. to make an investment. They must also manage the budget of the company to make sure they are not over spending, but spending the right amount all items. They must also make sure they prioritise which functional areas are the most in need of the money in order to move forward. In order for Tescos to achieve their aims and objectives finance wise, they must make sure they are keeping track of the money used and to see if they are able to give discounts to their loyal customers. This way they can offer customers discounts on certain items or send them vouchers for certain things they can only do this by looking into their club card for what kind of items they buy on a regular basis and then give them discount on that. Also the Tesco finance team have been able to dig out some money to buy vans for home delivery. This way customers will be able to get products from the Tesco website and get it delivered to their doorstep, this way Tesco are achieving their aims and objectives because they are trying harder for the customer. Sales The sales team would sell the product(s) on sale. The more sales staff they employ the more chances of selling more products becomes more possible. However it is important to have the opening times longer during the day; (early start, late finish). The sales team may also have a website to sell their products and also give more information to the customers; in most cases internet sales are cheaper then buying them in the store. Tesco have an internet website; however you have to be a member, this way Tesco will get more customers. In Tesco stores that are all Tesco Extra, they will be open for 24 hours a day. They have people in certain areas of the supermarket that specialise in certain things, such as technology and mobile phones and they will have their own departments; where as someone else might be working with another person that specialise in the same thing which may be fruit and veg; and they would have their departments as well. Therefore if customers want something in particular they can go the department area; this way Tesco are able to sell their products to customers easily. Tesco also have many tills and self scanning services to achieve their aims and objectives; this is because customers will come in and be able to shop and take their products home quickly and easily, this way Tesco will be achieving their aims and objectives because they are trying harder for customer by making it easier for them to go certain areas of the supermarket and paying for the item e.g. electronics department / self scanning machines / tills.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Fusion :: essays research papers

Fusion reactions are inhibited by the electrical repulsive force that acts between two positively charged nuclei. For fusion to occur, the two nuclei must approach each other at high speed to overcome the electrical repulsion and attain a sufficiently small separation (less than one-trillionth of a centimeter) that the short-range strong nuclear force dominates. For the production of useful amounts of energy, a large number of nuclei must under go fusion: that is to say, a gas of fusing nuclei must be produced. In a gas at extremely high temperature, the average nucleus contains sufficient kinetic energy to undergo fusion. Such a medium can be produced by heating an ordinary gas of neutral atoms beyond the temperature at which electrons are knocked out of the atoms. The result is an ionized gas consisting of free negative electrons and positive nuclei. This gas constitutes a plasma.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Plasma, in physics, is an electrically conducting medium in which there are roughly equal numbers of positively and negatively charged particles, produced when the atoms in a gas become ionized. It is sometimes referred to as the fourth state of matter, distinct from the solid, liquid, and gaseous states. When energy is continuously applied to a solid, it first melts, then it vaporizes, and finally electrons are removed from some of the neutral gas atoms and molecules to yield a mixture of positively charged ions and negatively charged electrons, while overall neutral charge density is maintained. When a significant portion of the gas has been ionized, its properties will be altered so substantially that little resemblance to solids, liquids, and gases remains. A plasma is unique in the way in which it interacts with itself with electric and magnetic fields, and with its environment. A plasma can be thought of as a collection of ions, electrons, neutral atoms and molecules, an photons in which some atoms are being ionized simultaneously with other electrons recombining with ions to form neutral particles, while photons are continuously being produced and absorbed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Scientists have estimated that more than 99 percent of the matter in the universe exists in the plasma state. All of the observed stars, including the Sun, consist of plasma, as do interstellar and interplanetary media and the outer atmospheres of the planets. Although most terrestrial matter exists in a solid, liquid or gaseous state, plasma is found in lightning bolts and auroras, in gaseous discharge lamps (neon lights), and in the crystal structure of metallic solids.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Nike: a Multinational Company in China

Nike: A Multinational Company in China Nike is one of the largest athletic shoe brands in the world and sells millions of shoes and clothing each year. The company was founded on January 25, 1964 by a University of Oregon track athlete Philip Knight and his coach Bill Bowermanas. It was first named Blue Ribbon Sports and it officially became Nike, Inc. on May 30, 1978 (Nike). As a multinational company, it operates retail stores domestically and overseas and all of the products it sells are manufactured by independent contractors located predominantly in foreign countries.Nike first entered the international market through China overcoming the many challenges it faced while trying to do business with them. Nike has no involvement in the manufacturing of its products and all of its production has been outsourced, mainly to manufacturers based in low-wage countries. In 1980, Nike created its first joint-venture with the People's Republic of China (Nike Inc. ). It entered into the emerg ing economy just after the country rose from the turmoil of the Cultural Revolution.In James Austin’s case study of Nike in China, he described Nike’s entry strategy into China to be very difficult and found the Chinese government almost impenetrable to do business with. To gain entrance into the tough country Nike hired David Ping-Ching Chang, who was originally from China, as a consultant to help arrange a deal between them (Austin 34). Chang had the experience and knew the language and customs that it would take to create a successful agreement. The first thing they set out to do was write a proposal to the Chinese government outlining their objectives and the advantages their joint venture would bring to China.Chang was familiar with how the Chinese performed business transactions and used that as an advantage to get their foot in China’s tightly closed door. The Chinese are relationship-orientated and to them a transaction is not only business. After writin g a very well written proposal translated in Chinese stating how Nike was committed to long-term business with China, they received an invitation to start negotiations. Major problems arose between the two when China demanded for more control, pricing, and rights to each factory (Austin 35).The Chinese felt that Nike was trying to take advantage of them when Nike would not allow them such control. The Chinese became was very close to ending any negotiations they had agreed upon but luckily settled on an agreement. Nike’s primary objective was to â€Å"establish the means by which they would buy a finished shoe product from the People's Republic of China,† as written in their submitted business proposal (Austin 29). Some of Nike’s other aims Austin describes in his case study were a target goal of 100,000 pair of shoes per month in the first phase and growth to 1,000,000 pair per month.Five months after their initial offer, a contract was signed and shoe producti on began by October 1981. Nike’s joint venture with China promised lower costs because of their cheap labor and high production. However, by 1984 production had only reached about 150,000 pairs per month instead of the 1,000,000 they had previously agreed on. During the 1990’s, another problem Nike faced during its joint-venture in China was the bad working conditions and low wages at their factories.Nike was accused of profiting from sweatshop labor that included child labor, physical abuse from factory managers and exposure to dangerous chemicals. They originally denied claims against them; however, in an article published by AllBusiness online in 2001, Nike director Todd McKean stated that since â€Å"Nike does not own the factories in China, we don’t control what goes on there. † This brought a major uproar in the media and along with it came campaigns of human rights groups who would endorse only companies who use â€Å"sweat-free† labor.Accor ding to Business Week Magazine, when Nike began to see protests from factory workers they decided to finally make a change and monitor working conditions in factories that produce their products. They hired independent auditors to make sure subcontractors used by the company follow Nike’s code of conduct (Hill 152). Although Nike faced many challenges with their joint-venture, China gained some advantages with doing business with Nike. Nike donated equipment to schools and paid them to open up after-school sport teams for children.In 1995, Nike sponsored all the Chinese pro-basketball league teams and provided uniforms and shoes for them. Another benefit China received was the outsourcing of jobs into their country (Sports). Granting, the sweatshops were an enormous mistake that Nike should have never let occur, they have corrected the problem and it has produced over 500,000 jobs in China alone. Nike is now working with the Xiaochen Hotline Program in China to provide traini ng on their labor laws and to improve worker’s accessibility to the hotline (Dutton).Nike is a good example of a multinational company that faced major challenges entering the emerging economy of China in 1980. Nike was confronted with problems while negotiating business with China and also during the actual manufacturing in their facilities. Even with such problems there came advantages to both countries; China acquired many jobs and Nike experienced lower costs that lead to higher sales. Nike and China have turned out to be a successful joint-venture and should continue to advance if both take into consideration each other’s needs.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Higher Education Essay

Higher education is the key to new worlds. In past decades, college education was seen as a privilege which few had access to. Nowadays, it has become a culminating stage in people’s life. Higher education has proved that it has a monetary value, as the salary of a person with a college education is higher than that of a person with a high school education. Some people have sold the idea that a higher education is a waste of time and money, and that such education should only be offered to a limited group of people. However, what make these people believe they have the power to decide what others should do or not do with their lives? In my opinion, everyone should pursue a higher education because it would help to reduce monopolization of wealth and power, it would allow people to exercise their freedom and create more opportunities in their lives. Monopolization of wealth and power could be reduced by higher education. As long as the wealthy and powerful people keep the knowledge from those who are hungry of it, the economy will remain the same. As Linda Lee recalls from Caroline Bird: â€Å"College doesn’t make people intelligent, ambitious, happy, liberal or quick to learn new things. It’s the other way around. Intelligent, †¦people are attracted to college in the first place† (671). I believe higher education enables people to acquire new skills and develop their intellectual capacities and grow as individuals, and of course this represents a danger for those who prefer to maintain a monopolized power and wealth from others. On the other hand, I do agree at some point with Lee that college education is being wasted on today’s youth. I have seen how here in America people are more interest in the â€Å"college experience† than focus on their education. It might also be true that the rate of lack of interest in a college education nowadays is higher than those who attended college fifty years ago. However, I do believe that fifty years ago there were also people who went to college for other reasons than learning; who can as sures us that Lee at some point of her years as a college student was not immersed in the â€Å"college experience†. Even when there are cases where people do not have a choice whether go to college or not, for the rest of the people go to college is a decision that resides within themselves. I disagree with Lee that college should not be offer for everyone. She even attacked people with learning disabilities, people who might do their best to be at the same level than the rest of us. It is usually these types of people who achieve more goals than those with not learning disabilities. Coupled with Lee’s perspective, there are also people who see college as something out of their reach. As David Leonhardt said: â€Å"†¦.For those families on the fence-often deciding whether a student will be the first to attend-the skepticism becomes one more reason to stop at high school† (646). For many families with low incomes, a higher education for their children can be the key for a better future, an even when most of the college can be expensive, there are many other college that can allow these young people to achieve a scholarship and even a four years degree without spending a penny. Thus, there are also thousands of students who do not have clear which career they should pursue. It is not a surprise that many of them decided to change careers after one of two semesters or even a coupled years. I think that as long as they are doing what they feel passion for, there should be allow changing their minds. After all, we are humans and change and mistakes are part of our nature. A higher education can create more opportunities for people. College allows students gain experiences that will help them in and out of the classroom. In college there are no more teachers trying to help them to get a decent grade, students are expose to the real world were things come to those who seek them instead of waiting for things to come to them. Gary Gutting said:† â€Å"Students, in turn, need to recognize that their college education is above all a matter of opening themselves up to new dimensions of knowledge and understanding†(628). I believe that higher education not only allows the possibility of a better future, also allows the person to develop personal, intellectual and social skills that can be used in daily life. Among with this, a higher education can enable people to get better jobs and create a better life for themselves and their families. Those who obtained a bachelor’s degree can find better jobs than those who only have a high  school degree. Perhaps the economic situation does not change much for them but it can mean a significant change for future generations. Moreover, the opportunities can be better for people with a higher education. Trying to decide what people want for their future may be uncertain when they do not have idea of ​​what they want. However, a simple way to find the right path is by making mistakes and learning from them. Whether people abandon the medical school to become engineers, as long as they do what is right for them, this decision should not become an obstacle for others. We live in a free country and no one can stop us to be who we are meant to be.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Government Healthcare Pros and Cons

Government Healthcare Pros and Cons Government healthcare refers to government funding of healthcare services via direct payments to doctors, hospitals and other providers. In U.S. government healthcare, doctors, hospitals and other medical professionals are not employed by the government. Instead, they provide medical and health services, as normal, and are reimbursed by the government, just as insurance companies reimburse them for services. An example of a successful U.S. government healthcare program is Medicare, established in 1965 to provide health insurance for people aged 65 and over, or who meet other criteria such as disability. The U.S. is the only industrialized country in the world, democratic or non-democratic, without universal healthcare for all citizens provided by government-funded coverage. 50 Million Uninsured Americans in 2009 In mid-2009, Congress is working to reform U.S. healthcare insurance coverage which presently leaves more than 50 million men, women and children uninsured and without access to adequate medical and health services. All healthcare coverage, except for some low-income children and those covered by Medicare, is now provided only by insurance companies and other private-sector corporations. Private company insurers, though, have proven quite ineffective at controlling costs, and actively work to exclude healthcare coverage whenever feasible. Explains Ezra Klein at the Washington Post: The private insurance market is a mess. Its supposed to cover the sick and instead competes to insure the well. It employs platoons of adjusters whose sole job is to get out of paying for needed health care services that members thought were covered. In fact, multi-million bonuses are awarded annually to top healthcare executives as incentive to deny coverage to policy holders. As a result, in the United States today: Over a third of families living below the poverty line are uninsured. Hispanic Americans are more than twice as likely to be uninsured as white Americans while 21% of black Americans have no health insurance.More than 9 million children lack health insurance in America.Eighteen thousand people die each year because they are uninsured. reported in 2007: The current system is increasingly inaccessible to many poor and lower-middle-class people... those lucky enough to have coverage are paying steadily more and/or receiving steadily fewer benefits. Latest Developments In mid-2009, several coalitions of Congressional Democrats are heatedly crafting competing healthcare insurance reform legislation. Republicans have generally not offered substantive healthcare reform legislation in 2009. President Obama has voiced support for universal healthcare coverage for all Americans which would be provided by selecting among various coverage options, including an option for government-funded healthcare (aka a public plan option or public option). However, the President has stayed safely on the political sidelines, thus far, forcing Congressional clashes, confusion, and setbacks in delivering on his campaign promise to make available a new national health plan to all Americans. Healthcare Packages Under Consideration Most Democrats in Congress support universal healthcare coverage for all Americans which offers various options for insurance providers, and includes a low-cost, government-funded healthcare option. Under the multi-option scenario, Americans satisfied with their present insurance can opt to keep their coverage. Americans dissatisfied, or without coverage, can opt for government-funded coverage. Republicans complain that the free-market competition offered by a lower-cost public-sector plan would cause private-sector insurance companies to cut their services, lose customers, would inhibit profitability, or go entirely out of business. Many progressive liberals and other Democrats believe strongly that the only fair, just U.S. healthcare delivery system would be a single payer system, such as Medicare, in which only low-cost government-funded healthcare coverage is provided to all Americans on an equal basis. Americans Favor Public Plan Option Per the Huffington Post about a June 2009 NBC/Wall Street Journal poll: ... 76 percent of respondents said it was either extremely or quite important to give people a choice of both a public plan administered by the federal government and a private plan for their health insurance. Likewise, a New York Times/CBS News poll found that The national telephone survey, which was conducted from June 12 to 16, found that 72 percent of those questioned supported a government-administered insurance plan - something like Medicare for those under 65 - that would compete for customers with private insurers. Twenty percent said they were opposed. Background Democrat Harry Truman was the first U.S. President to urge Congress to legislate government healthcare coverage for all Americans. Per Healthcare Reform in America by Michael Kronenfield, President Franklin Roosevelt intended for Social Security to also incorporate healthcare coverage for seniors, but shied away for fear of alienating the American Medical Association. In 1965, President Lyndon Johnson signed into law the Medicare program, which is a single payer, government healthcare plan. After signing the bill, President Johnson issued the first Medicare card to former President Harry Truman. In 1993, President Bill Clinton appointed his wife, well-versed attorney, Hillary Clinton, to head a commission charged with forging a massive reform of U.S. healthcare. After major political missteps by the Clintons and an effective, fear-mongering campaign by Republicans, the Clinton healthcare reform package was dead by Fall 1994. The Clinton administration never tried again to overhaul healthcare, and Republican President George Bush was ideologically opposed to all forms of government-funded social services. Healthcare reform was a top campaign issue among 2008 Democratic presidential candidates. Presidential candidate Barack Obama promised that he will make available a new national health plan to all Americans, including the self-employed and small businesses, to buy affordable health coverage that is similar to the plan available to members of Congress. See the entirety at Obama Campaign Promises: Health Care.    Pros of Government Healthcare Iconic American consumer advocate  Ralph Nader sums up the positives of government-funded healthcare  from the patients perspective: Free choice of doctor and hospital;No bills, no co-pays, no deductibles;No exclusions for  pre-existing conditions; you are insured from the day you are born;No bankruptcies due to  medical bills;No deaths due to lack of health insurance;Cheaper. Simpler. More affordable;Everybody in. Nobody out;Save taxpayers billions a year in bloated corporate administrative and executive compensation costs. Other important positives of government-funded healthcare include: 47 millions Americans lacked  healthcare insurance  coverage as of the 2008 presidential campaign season. Soaring unemployment since then have caused the the ranks of the uninsured to swell past 50 million in mid-2009.Mercifully, government-funded healthcare would provide access to  medical services  for all uninsured. And lower costs of government healthcare will cause insurance coverage to be significantly more accessible to millions of individuals and businesses.Doctors and other medical professionals can focus  on patient care, and no longer need to spend hundreds of wasted hours annually dealing with insurance companies.Patients, too, under government healthcare would never need to fritter inordinate amounts of frustrating time haggling with insurance companies. Cons of Government Healthcare Conservatives and libertarians oppose U.S. government healthcare mainly because they dont believe that its a proper role of government to provide social services to private citizens. Instead, conservatives believe that  healthcare coverage  should continue to be provided solely by private-sector for-profit insurance corporations or possibly by non-profit entities. In 2009, a handful of Congressional Republicans have suggested that perhaps the uninsured could obtain limited medical services via a  voucher system and tax credits for low-income families. Conservatives also contend that lower-cost government healthcare would impose too great of a  competitive advantage  against for-profit insurers. The  Wall Street Journal argues: In reality, equal competition between a public plan and private plans would be impossible. The public plan would inexorably crowd out private plans, leading to a single-payer system. From the patients perspective, negatives of government-funded healthcare could include: A decrease in flexibility for patients to freely choose from among the vast cornucopia of drugs,  treatment options, and surgical procedures offered today by higher-priced doctors and hospitals.Existing patient confidentiality standards, which would likely be diluted by centralized government info that would necessarily be maintained.Less potential doctors may opt to enter the medical profession due to decreased opportunities for highly compensated positions. Less doctors coupled with skyrocketing demand for doctors could lead to a shortage of medical professionals, and to longer waiting periods for appointments. Where It Stands As of late June 2009, the struggle to shape healthcare reform has only begun. The final form of successful healthcare reform legislation is anyones guess. The American Medical Association, which represents 29% of U.S. doctors, opposes any government insurance plan mainly because doctors  reimbursement rates  will be less than those from most private sector plans. Not all doctors oppose government-funded healthcare, though. Political Leaders on  Healthcare Reform On June 18, 2009, Speaker of the House  Nancy Pelosi told the press I have every confidence that we will have a public option coming out of the  House of Representatives  - that will be one that is actuarially sound, administratively self-sufficient, one that contributes as to competition, does not eliminate competition. Senate Finance Committee Chair  Max Baucus, a centrist Democrat, admitted to the press: I think a bill that passes the Senate will have some version of a public option. Moderate Blue Dog Democrats of the House say the public plan should occur only as a fallback, triggered if private insurers arent doing a good enough job on access and costs, per  Rob Kall at OpEd News. In contrast, Republican strategist and Bush advisor  Karl Rove recently penned a harshly dire  Wall Street Journal op-ed in which he warned that ... the public option is just phony. Its a bait-and-switch tactic... Defeating the public option should be a top priority for the GOP this year. Otherwise, our nation will be changed in damaging ways almost impossible to reverse. The  New York Times wisely summed up the debate  in a June 21, 2009 editorial: The debate is really over whether to open the door a crack for a new public plan to compete with the private plans. Most Democrats see this as an important element in any  health care reform, and so do we.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Top 7 Cliché Ideas You Should Avoid Including into Your Leadership Essay

Top 7 Clichà © Ideas You Should Avoid Including into Your Leadership Essay Top 7 Clichà © Ideas You Should Avoid Including into Your Leadership Essay Let’s face it: the majority of people hate clichà ©s. Yes, there are some individuals who like them because clichà ©s are their comfort zone. But we doubt that your professor whom you need to write an essay falls under this category. If you wish to avoid stereotypes notions, you need to avoid them not only in your style of writing but at the level of the topic as well. While writing a leadership essay, you need to come up with original ideas. We know it’s hard because this issue has been popular for at least 5000 years, but it’s not impossible. To help you with this â€Å"uphill struggle†, we’ve put down a list of top leadership clichà ©s that you should avoid at all costs. If you follow our advice, you will make your writing more interesting and profound! 1. ThÐ µre Are No Stupid QuÐ µstions Yes, there are. In fact, there are loads of them, and you perfectly understand that. If you want to write a good leadership essay, it’s better to promote the idea that a true leader has to identify and prevent stupid questions. If they still happen, it’s best to highlight and explain why they are silly (of course in the right manner). 2. The CustÐ ¾mer Is Ð lways Right If you have ever worked part-time in a customer support field, you’ll know that it’s not true. For a good leadership, it’s important sometimes to stand the ground of your employee in front of a client. 3. Give It Your Best Shot And what is this supposed to mean? Go and shoot something or somebody? A real leader must explain what expectations he/she has without scattering vague phrases. There are also other word combinations that fall into this category like â€Å"do your best†, â€Å"go above and beyond†, etc. 4. Don’t Bother Me until You Have a Solution This is another clichà © that makes people flinch when they hear something similar from their bosses. If a subordinate comes with a problem to the senior, the latter must sit and puzzle out the issue to understand whether there is a solution in the first place. 5. Think outside the Box And work outside the office. And eat outside the canteen. This is a threadbare motivational phrase that stopped inspiring people years ago. So, why do leaders still use it? 6. Appreciate Every Opinion Someone who is in charge should be able to see valuable opinions and mark them out for others to appreciate. It’s a skill that is hard to hone, and, besides, it’s always easier to say that a true leader must take into account all points of view. 7. Failure Is Not an Option Among many mottos of Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia, there is a phrase â€Å"Fail faster†. He has even a whole theory that failures lead to success and it doesn’t correspond with one of the main leadership clichà ©s. So, do you think you should mention it in your essay? Avoid these stereotypes to prevent your professor from doing a facepalm and add more interesting ideas that really work nowadays. We wish you good luck with that! At company you can pay for essay writing online. Our experts have great writing skills to handle your leadership assignment.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Issues In Financial Reporting (Questions for the final exam) Essay

Issues In Financial Reporting (Questions for the final exam) - Essay Example There are few assumptions of a financial statement. Such as, a business entity is assumed to carry on its operation forever which refers to a going concern concept. Financial statements should be prepared periodically, basically after a specified interval which is termed as ‘accounting period’. All the transaction recorded in a statement should be at cost, not market price. As per the money measurement concept, the information recorded in the statement should be in monetary terms. The business entity concept says that the legal entity of a corporate business should be different from the owners. The method or the practice that has been adopted by a company initially for presenting an event should be followed life long in order to maintain the consistency. Preparation of financial statements is subject to quite a few regulations. For the purpose, Accounting Standards should be followed. Accounting Standards are issued by Accounting Standard Board (ASB). ASB is a part of Financial Reporting Council (FRC). It is a self -regulatory body in UK and is responsible for promoting quality corporate governance. ASB collaborate with the International Accounting Standard Board (IASB) to ensure the acceptance of Accounting Standard at the international level. UITF plays major role of assisting the ASB while solving a conflicting and unsatisfactory interpretation regarding the requirements of Companies Act. Financial Reporting Review Panel (FRRP) is also a part of FRC, which check the financial statement of private and public companies to ensure that statements are presented as accordance with Accounting Standards and Companies Act, 2006. Accountability and transparency are absolute necessity for maximising long term share holder’s value. The rules and procedures of gathering data must be flexible and consistent; otherwise a scope of misinterpretation of data will

Friday, November 1, 2019

Walmart Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Walmart - Research Paper Example Mission and the Vision Statement The mission statement of Wal-Mart is ‘we save people money so that they get live better lives’ (Wal-Mart 2011 Annual Report, 2012) There is no specific vision statement for Wal-Mart, however the following quote by Wal-Mart serves as an example of the company’s vision: ‘The secret of successful retailing is to give your customers what they want. And really, if you think about it from your point of view as a customer, you want everything: a wide assortment of good-quality merchandise; the lowest possible prices; guaranteed satisfaction with what you buy; friendly, knowledgeable service; convenient hours; free parking; a pleasant shopping experience’ (Walton, 1990) Competitive Advantage of Wal-Mart Wal-Mart has always portrayed itself as the low price provider. It offers its consumers brand products at discounted rates. It is able to enjoy this advantage because it buys its products in bulk quantities and keeps its profit margin quite low. The aim is to increase sales so that profits will be achieved through increased sales. The company has also expanded extensively within and outside the United States. The objective for the company has been to open up big Wal-Mart stores in almost every corner of the country. This would allow people to have better access to these stores. Also these stores offer almost everything; from food items to electronic goods. The expansion strategy for international countries is also quite developed for Wal-Mart. When Wal-Mart enters into a foreign market, it does so by buying out the existing competitor. In this way, Wal-Mart gets several advantages. It is able to kill one competitor and establish a store in a prime location. Also the company benefits from the assets and human resource of the previous store. Government Regulation Industry for Wal-Mart The company is regulation through local laws in which the company operates. Since the company operates in different countries, it has to comply with the respective laws of the country. The company is facing issues with regard to its labor relations. The company does not allow its workers to develop unions. Also these workers are filing lawsuits against the company on the basis of working conditions, benefits offered and discrimination. Regulations affect the company by requiring the company to comply with existing laws and to ensure that the workers are treated fairly (Gereffi and Christian, 2009). SWOTT Analysis Strengths The biggest strength for Wal-Mart is the competitive prices that they offer. The company has presence in over 15 countries in the world and has opened up multiple stores in these countries. This large scale of operation allows the company to gain economies of scal e along with developing a strong position against the competitors. The retail industry is all about offering the best prices and the widest range and Wal-Mart is able to do this. This is perhaps the biggest strength for the company. The company also has developed a good IT base. It was the first retail store to adopt the bar code system. Since Wal-Mart is proactive in adopting new technology, it enjoys